You'll notice that several of my older titles are currently unavailable. The Second Edition of Coming Up for Air, which released 09.25.24, was actually a pretty big deal, because it marked the beginning of my fully self-published, all rights are mine again, journey.
There was a time when getting something published through a publisher was the dream. That meant success, and it is a fascinating turn that the opposite is true these days. It is also so gratifying that you amazing readers helped me get this far, so that I am a full-time author, with the ability to format and design my own book interiors and covers, keeping all my revenue for myself.
Several others were re-released in 2024, and many more will be re-released and re-covered throughout 2025 and 2026. Some books are going to be re-covered despite still being available with their original covers right now, so get those while you can. A few books that are unavailable still have copies on my Etsy Store if you want to grab the last of them.
2024 Re-Releases:
- Coming Up for Air
- Courting Nightfall
- Son of the Arch Demon
- The Prince and the Ice King
Coming in 2025:
- After Vertigo (1.13.25)
- The Collector (March)
- Stitches (March)
- Moonlight Prophecies Series (April)
- The Bard and the Fairy Prince (May)
- Void Dancer (July)
- The Incubus Saga Trilogy (July)
- The Dragon and the Emerald King (September)
Coming in 2026:
- Their Dark Reflections
- Public Enemy
- A Model Escort
- Interpretive Hearts
- The Immaculate Marlow King
- His Silence